Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy 14th B'dae ZAHRA!!

1stly, happy bdae bestfrenku ZAHRA! Chey da 14 seii, tkpe2 aku
coming soon..

haizz,going to be 14 years i live this lyfe n i have not done anything proud to my family
HOW?? Sometymes i wonder y must i live tis lyfe? y must i even exist?
I kinda hate myself for the hidden reasons dat i dont knoww. N i miss u shasha&maii&fathin!
Korg ape kes dah lame tk pisit aku?
slalunye malam2 korg asik talipon aku suruh tron? Aku mis korg luhr!!
Korg tkmo hilang dari hidop aku sua,sbab aku syg korg banyak2!
Aku rindu korg la!

ZAHRA klau ade problems share nan khair kay? i'll always be there 4 u.

To my braders, im sorry if i have hurt ur feelings, im just moody these few days.
N thx 4 the support n concern u guys gave me.
N Nurardilla narq gy skool sama2 lagy tarq?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


BAD BAD BAD BAD DAY 4 ME today sial!!!!
Kena in-house suspension n another thing. CANNOT TELL!!!

haizz saswuay sial today! but 1 thing no need go class!! hehe.

EKH bestie ku zahra! Tlg berubah kan aku blehbleh??

♂♠ĀĐĄŇ ŠťÄŕ♠♂